The Hidden Health Effects of Forward Head Posture
In today's digital age, forward head posture has become increasingly prevalent. With hours spent hunched over computers, smartphones, and...
Mastering Ergonomic Posture for Optimal Work and School Performance
Whether you spend long hours at a desk or attend classes, maintaining proper ergonomic posture is essential for your overall well-being...
What is cadence and Why does it matter?
What Is Cadence and Why It Matters Runners get injured a lot. And when I say a lot I mean a whole lot of injuries! It is expected that...
Bruce Springsteen was Right – “Baby, we WERE born to Run.”
Everybody’s out on the run tonight But there’s no place left to hide… Come on with me, tramps like us Baby we were born to run…...
Running Injuries
This is the first article in a series of blogs I will be writing over the coming month on how to run better and minimize the risk of...
How to do a squat
How to do a Squat This is commonly known as a bodyweight squat or an ‘air’ squat, it’s the most basic type of squat and uses just your...